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2015 Check In

How is everyone doing? Can you believe it's Febuary alredy?

So lets check in with my goals

1. Lose 10% (or more) or my body weight.

So I"v lost a little over 5% of my weight. Which I"m thinking is awesome for a litle over a month. I think that now is when the hard parts starts. In January the weight was just dropping off, but now it's going slower, which is fine.

2. Get a library card and read 52 books this year.

Well....this one isn't going as well. I only read 2 books last month. Which is exactly half of what I need to be reading to reach my goal. But I"m reading more than I was which is great!

3. I would like to complete at least one blanket this year.

Nope, haven't even started this one....sigh

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