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New Year-New Goals

I know, I know....updating two days in a row. But since I'm going to try super super hard this year to actually update regularly and doing all the bloggery things.

First a recap of my goals from last year

1. Lose 10% (or more) or my body weight.

This I suceeded in!! Go me! I went from 176.8 pounds on the right to 155.2 on the left. I must

admit I was pretty impressed with myself. I will also admit that the last few months of the year I did put back on some of the weight. But I'm still a work in progress!

2. Get a library card and read 52 books this year

This one I failed at miserably. I did succeed in getting a library card, but that's about it.....whoops

3. I would like to complete at least one blanket this year.

Nope, nope, nope.

Oh well, that was last year.

So what are my goals for this year?

1. Continue to work on my weight and health. I do have specific goals for this. I would look to be able to do a headstand. I would like to be able to hold a plan for a full minute. I would like to get down to my high school weight.

2. Read 24 books. Yup. I definately lowered my goals on this for the year. 24 books,equates to 2 books a month. I 100% beleive I can manage that.....not to mention I apparently read a TON last month.

3. Work towards contentment. I have found myself falling into the trap of Facebook. I have found myself comparing the life I have to the life people portray on social media.

4. Complete crafts. I have two wedding gifts I started last year for people who got married last year. I also plan to DIY a lot of stuff for my wedding....

5. Focus on my blog.

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